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考研复试原题在这,你背吗? 纯干货!考研复试高频常考十类问题


1. 最喜欢的运动是什么,为什么喜欢

What’s your favorite sport? And Why?

My favorite sport is basketball. I’ve been playing basketball since I was a little boy. To be honest, I am crazy about basketball for following reasons.

First of all, what I like most about playing basketball is that it can help me to relieve all my pressure. No matter how stressful I am, I can feel relaxed the moment I play basketball.

Besides, playing basketball enables me to make a lot of friends. Playing with those who have something in common is really exciting.

In addition, playing basketball helps me to learn a lot of things. For example, I have learned how to work in a team, how to obtain my goal by working hard and how to motivate myself when things get tough.

All in all, basketball is my life. I will keep playing basketball as long as I can move.

That's all. Thank you.




Is there anything that impressed you most in college?

Frankly speaking, I have a lot of things to say when it comes to this topic. I was impressed and touched by a lot of things and people. The one that impressed me most is my preparation for this postgraduate entrance examination.

There are several reasons.

First of all, it impressed me most because I can learn a lot from it. And it really broadens my horizons. For example, I have learned the true meaning of hard work and discipline. Actually, I think I have learned more during the preparation than in the years on campus. Both my theoretical and practical knowledge has been strengthened.

Besides, it can help me to make more friends with different background. As a saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. My friend Vivian helped me a lot in the whole preparation process. And I really appreciate her help.

In addition, what I like most about it is that it helps me to figure out what I really want. In the near future, I expect to be a postgraduate in my major so that I can keep improving myself in a more efficient way.

All in all, my preparation for this postgraduate entrance examination impressed me most.



Could you please tell us something about your hometown?

Well, my hometown is Beijing, which is well-known for many historical buildings. For example, the landmark of Beijing is the Forbidden City. It’s home to emperors from Ming Dynasty and to typical Chinese buildings. It can definitely help me to improve my understanding of the Chinese culture. You are always welcome to visit my hometown.



How many family members do you have? And what do they do?

Thanks for your question. My family consists of 3 members, my father, my mother and me. My father is a civil servant (公务员) and my mother is a manager of a company. They have been working very hard to support my family. As you can see, I am a senior student preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination.

Well, my parents are ordinary people but they give me unconditional love and support. I am grateful to what they have done for this family and for me.




Do you have many friends? How do you get along with them?

Well, honestly speaking. I have many friends and I get along well with them. I am a warm-hearted, kind and outgoing person who always likes to give others a hand, so my friends like me. I have one principle in terms of getting along with others, that is , always be sincere. If one can be honest and sincere, the person may earn other’s trust and that is the starting of making true friends. I will keep honoring this principle. That’s all. Thank you.




Could you please tell us something about your character/personality?


I’m motivated by a challenge. Solving puzzles and recognizing logical flow have long been a passion of mine, and I’ve always been the type of person to seek them out. I find myself engaging everyone from strangers to good friends in conversation, and I enjoy the idea of becoming someone that others trust and respect.


I would tell them that I’m a honest and hardworking individual. I am usually busy and like to pursue my goals wholeheartedly. I have a tendency to hold on to things from the past.


I am an extremely determined person. I always push through limitations and adversity to try and get what I want, and what is best for myself and those around me. Beyond that, I am extremely compassionate and kind, and will do everything and anything for my friends.

七 课外实践和活动/项目/实验/所获奖项


Have you ever participated in any activities, researches or other things? What have learned through that experience?


In addition, I served as a volunteer for the meeting/event held by the local government. It really broadened my horizons/views. Therefore, I was deeply intrigued with the financial world and wish to achieve more in the field.

综合活动参考:Besides, I attended _________ meeting held in Beijing. I was also a volunteer of _________. Through these activities, I have a better understanding of my major __________.


Besides, I did an internship in a local company during the last summer holiday. I was taking charge of the meeting arrangements and business trip booking. This experience brought me deeper understanding of how the business system works. Therefore, I had an early introduction to the world of business and entrepreneurship.


I was awarded a national scholarship.

I won the first prize in the speech contest of my college.

I won the first prize in the school English speech contest and many of my English articles had been put on China Daily.

I passed qualification tests like ….

八. 和本专业紧密结合的问题

1.和本专业相关杰出人物/作品(近期)?Who’s your favorite designer / host / director? Tell us about the designer’s great work.

2.你如何看待本专业前景?/如何看待自己的专业?What do you think about your major’s future? What’s your views on your major’s prospect?



Wow, it’s a tough questio. Trying to predict the future is always a risky thing to do; most of us are terrible at it, but I will try my best to answer this question.


Honestly speaking, my major has great prospect.


First of all, there will be increasing complexity in consumer purchasing decisions. (本文所有横线部分换成自己的专业相关内容)

Besides, mobile communications are becoming the center of marketing.


These are just some of the main trends I see happening in my major over the next few years but there will certainly be others.










九. 自我介绍写啥就有可能被问啥









我简历中还写,我会cad SolidWorks等工科软件,老师就问,有没有用这个软件做和你专业相关的事情,有没有用它做过什么项目。





考研复试原题在这,你背吗? 纯干货!考研复试高频常考十类问题

十. 学习状况和成绩



My favorite subject is absolutely English. (所有下划线部分都换成自己的答案)

I think I have learned a lot by learning English. I can give you some examples.

First of all, I have learned how to read, write and speak, which is essential for me.

Besides, English serves as a bridge for me to connect the world . When I have a good knowledge of English, I feel like I am connected with the world.

In addition, having a good knowledge of English enables me to make more friends.

My English score is 98 and my CET4/6 score is … Scores don’t mean anything, but they do reflect my efforts and dedication to study.

Well, my favorite subject English inspired me to learn English in a more effective and pleasant way during the whole preparation for this postgraduate entrance examination.

Also, it really broadens my horizons.

What’s more, it helped me to relieve all my pressure.


I major in English at Shandong University. In the past 3 and a half years, I have spent most of my time on study. I guess I am a good student, because my GPA is 3.64, which helped me to rank on top of my class, and my CET6 score is 631. Scores don’t mean anything, but they do reflect my efforts and dedication to study. I also passed CATTI Level 2, and I have acquired the basic knowledge of English both in theory and in practice.

2. 毕业论文,毕业论文,毕业论文是重点!


1) Brief background of your study

2) Your problems or research questions

3) Methodology: participants, setting, instruments, procedure of your study, your data analysis method

4) Findings

5) Very short implications of your study

3. 读了哪些书?

Did you read any book /paper recently? / Which book influences you most? / Name one most useful book for you and explain why.


The book I recently read is a novel called The Tales of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, one of the greatest novelists of the 19th century. I got this book as a birthday gift from my friend several weeks ago. My friend said that it was one of the most classic novels in the world and he believed that I would like this novel. So I started to read this novel on the day I received it. And I was soon fascinated by this book and read it again and again. I liked this classic novel for a number of reasons.

First of all , I was quite impressed by the vivid descriptions of the characters and their interactions. I mean that Charles Dickens was really a master of the English language; you can form a mental picture of what is going on in the novel and you will be touched by the personalities of these characters.

Besides, the plot is full of twist and turns, always making me eager to find out what will happen next.

And finally, I also learn more about the French Revolution. Dickens described the story under the background of French Revolution, which makes the book more than a novel but also the reflection of the French Revolution.


考研复试原题在这,你背吗? 纯干货!考研复试高频常考十类问题

(责编: 康康)


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